Streamline Your Hiring,
De-risk Your Fleet
Solve your driver screening & hiring challenges with the most accurate employment screening services available. Schedule your chat with us today!
The most accurate background screening for carriers
Digitize & automate your manual paper processes
A single source of truth for your driver & employee data
The best candidate experience on the market

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the industry's strongest background check accuracy
average time-to-fill reduction
of our criminal searches close within 1 hour
class action lawsuits vs. hundreds in the industry
Drug & Occupational
Ongoing Driver
Electronic I-9
A single, trusted onboarding platform for your entire talent journey
Integrate and harmonize all of your talent processes across a core set of tools & services, underpinned by fanatical support to help you overachieve on your talent & business goals in 2025
Our Customer's Success Is Our Mission
We understand how important your mission and the safety of your workplace is to you. No one should have to choose between hiring efficiency & screening accuracy. Our customer's success is always at the center of everything we do

Ready to get started?
Book time with one of our screening experts to find out how we can streamline your talent process with a free assessment